Safety first and foremost
Emesa is the M-30 Maintenance and Operation Company awarded the contract for the management and maintenance of the main ring road in Madrid. It is owned by Ferrovial and the ACS Group and is a private partner of Madrid Calle 30, the semi-public company attached to the Madrid City Council.
Our mission is to offer a quality service to the more than 1.5 million users who drive daily on this road so that their experience is both comfortable and safe. Various certifications guarantee our effective management and concern for the environment and work safety. In addition, Emesa is the first European company in the sector certified in Road Traffic Safety by AENOR (Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification).
It is a real honour to lead the company which has been responsible since 2005 for the preservation, maintenance and operation of the M-30, a road that constitutes the backbone of transportation in Madrid.