News M30

Circulation M-30

Conducir Coronavirus

Is driving during the coronavirus allowed?

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Publicado el 30 de April de 2020 Circulation M-30

The state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the government to establish measures to avoid it from spreading. The Directorate General of Traffic together with the State’s Security Forces have established whether driving during the coronavirus is possible and in which circumstances. Under which circumstances can we drive? Article 7 of Royal […]

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circular con seguridad en los túneles de la m30 coches

Safety advices for driving in M-30 tunnels

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Publicado el 24 de February de 2020 Circulation M-30

To drive safely in M30 tunnels you just need to know a number of restrictions and guidelines that we will explain below. Not every vehicle can use this road and you have to remember that manoeuvres such as changing direction or reversing are not permitted. Visibility is lower in tunnels, so you need to drive carefully. […]

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Cómo llegar al aeropuerto

All the alternatives for getting to Madrid airport

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Publicado el 20 de February de 2020 Circulation M-30

We are going to explain all the alternatives for getting to Madrid airport on both public transport or by taxi. The Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas airport is located north-east of Madrid in the Barajas area, around 18 kilometres from the centre of Madrid, and it has 5 terminals:  T1, T2, T3, T4 and T4s. If you have to […]

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distancia de seguridad en tuneles m30

What is the tunnels safety distance in the M-30?

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Publicado el 03 de February de 2020 Circulation M-30

It is very important to know the tunnels safety distance in order to avoid potential accidents. The Highway Code sets a different distance for tunnels, and awareness of this is essential to ensure safety at the wheel. You should keep in mind that changes of light can be abrupt when entering and exiting the tunnel, as […]

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señalización incidencias m30

How to interpret incident signage on the M-30

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Publicado el 27 de January de 2020 Circulation M-30

Incident signage on the M-30 is based on the guidelines established by the General Traffic Authority. Below, we explain the most common signs used in these notorious tunnels so that you know what each one means. Incident signage in tunnels on the M-30 For various reasons, you will occasionally find yourself prohibited from driving through the […]

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Lo último
Estaciones BiciMAD: ¿dónde encontrarlas? Publicado el 14 de May de 2024

En Madrid apostamos por el transporte público sostenible, el ejercicio al aire libre y el disfrute de la ciudad. Y por ello no hay mejor manera que recorrerla en bici, tanto la almendra central como el extenso Anillo Verde Ciclista de Madrid que circunvala la ciudad. Descubre las estaciones BiciMAD que hay en Madrid y […]

Is driving during the coronavirus allowed? Publicado el 30 de April de 2020

The state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the government to establish measures to avoid it from spreading. The Directorate General of Traffic together with the State’s Security Forces have established whether driving during the coronavirus is possible and in which circumstances. Under which circumstances can we drive? Article 7 of Royal […]

Simulation 2019

Publicado el 01 de March de 2019

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