How to get to the funeral home of the m-30?

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Publicado el 10/07/2018
¿Cómo llegar al tanatorio de la M-30?

Are you trying to get to the M-30 funeral home? Located right on an exit of one of the city’s main belts, there are multiple options.

Go by public transport to the M-30 funeral home

There is not always a vehicle available to get to these facilities in Madrid and you may have to resort to other types of transport such as buses, metro, train or taxi.

By bus, at least one hour

Of course, the journey will depend on the starting point. There are routes in which not only a bus, but the combination of several public transports is necessary. Bus lines number 122 and 53 will take you to the bus stops near the facilities (both a few-minute walk from the funeral home).

The first stops of Line 122 are on América Avenue and Campo de las Naciones. Line 53 has Arturo Soria or Sol as the starting point, depending on the destination. The estimated time of arrival from any point in the city is at least one hour, unless you set off from those first stops.

Those intending to use this means of transport should know that the waiting time for Line 122 is 12 minutes, while for Line 53 the average is nine minutes. The fare in both cases is 1.5 EUROS.

Metro, the fastest route

Regardless of the lines and the transfers, Barrio de la Concepción will be the arrival stop. You will have to walk the remaining 600 metres to reach the facilities.

Thanks to the connections provided by Madrid Metro, this will always be the fastest way.

By train or commuter rail services, the most comfortable way

To get there by commuter rail service you can take lines C2 and C7 of the local transport network in Madrid.

Line C7 runs through Alcalá de Henares – Atocha – Chamartín – P. Pío; a comfortable line that practically connects all the most important areas of the capital with the M-30 funeral home.

Maximum comfort is guaranteed, although the journey lasts on average more than an hour, taking for example any exits from Princesa to Nuevos Ministerios, from where you will have to walk to the M30 funeral home. The train fare is 1.70 EUROS.

Go to the funeral home by car or taxi

The funeral home can be easily accessed by car or taxi through the M30, one of the most important ring roads of Madrid. This option will not pose any parking problems, thanks to the funeral home public car park.

If you come from the northern area of ​​Madrid, the first indication to follow will be Parque de las Avenidas, driving then along Alcalá St. until reaching exit 5 towards Parque de las Avenidas.

Once at the Parque de las Avenidas roundabout, you will have to take the first exit towards Brasilia Avenue, and turn right immediately onto Badajoz Avenue. At the next roundabout, you will take the exit towards Salvador de Madariaga St. which leads to the destination.

If on the contrary, you come from the south, the indication to follow will be Airport towards Ramón y Cajal Avenue until exit 5. Once in Salvador de Madariaga St. you will find the destination at number 11.

The price of a taxi will depend on the origin. On a working day, the average fare will be 2.70 EUROS to start the trip, plus 1.05 EUROS per kilometre, according to the official tariffs.

The fastest way to reach your destination will be the metro, whereas the most comfortable option will be the commuter rail. Either way, its excellent connection allows you to get there without much trouble.

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