The M-30 Control Centre’s technological system

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Publicado el 23/12/2019

Emesa is committed to innovation in managing and controlling the M-30. The M-30’s technological systems enable obtaining, analysing and exploiting data in order to continuously monitor the facilities, as well as to evaluate traffic in real time and to take action in the event of any kind of incident on the road, as quickly as possible. Each of the technological solutions used in the Control Centre are explained below.

Technological systems for managing and controlling the M-30

ITS: Continuous supervision of installations

The ITS system is a Centralised Control software in which some of the systems of the tunnel´s different equipment or facilities are connected and monitored, ensuring the optimal management of the infrastructure on the whole.

It is installed in two Control Centres: The Méndez Álvaro Main Centre and the Secondary Mobility Centre. Both acquire redundant data and are capable of taking action on the equipment located along the M-30 tunnels.

ITS holds the top level within the tunnels´ management and control hierarchy, from where various subsystems such as traffic information, data from atmospheric meters or incident and fire detection systems are accessed and controlled.

SETTRE: Real-time Traffic Evaluation System

There are 367 traffic measurement points installed along the M-30 that receive data on speed, intensity and traffic level in real time. By analysing the historical data from these measuring points, Emesa has established the traffic behaviour patterns on the M-30. In this way, it is possible to check the behaviour in real time with the expected pattern of behaviour and thus detect possible incidents on the road at an early stage. In addition, the Real Time Traffic Evaluation System provides information on the data of each of the routes within the M-30.

SITREM: Incident Management

This is an incident management system for incidents that take place on the M-30. It enables quickly and effectively responding and resolving incidents by managing resources and controlling incident response times.

SITREM works based on classifying the incidents set forth in the Operating Manual. The necessary resources will be activated for the management thereof, depending on the type of incident. These resources will be internal to the operation as well as external (Police, SAMUR Emergency Medical Assistance and The Fire Department). This allows us to coordinate all those involved, as well as to control and monitor the time taken to respond to and deal with incidents.

The SITREM system is installed in the Control Centre’s Communications Post, where the Incident Management and all the communications derived therefrom with the field teams are located. Furthermore, as a back-up, it is also installed in the Room Supervisor Post, with the same functionalities as the version installed in the Communications post.

GMAO: Coordinate job tasks

This is a management module that enables creating work orders through a contextual menu for each team. It enables choosing options such as job type, the team it is assigned to, job description, job priority… It also enables sending scheduled orders with scheduled date ranges within which they must be carried out. The technicians in each department confirm and assign the different orders to be carried out. Once confirmed, the system communicates this to the work teams´ tablets or mobile devices.

All the technological solutions implemented, in addition to improving the coordination of the different work teams, have managed to improve the maintenance service and operation of the M-30.

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