How do multi-lane speed cameras work on the M-30?

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Publicado el 14/11/2019
radar multicarril m30

Multi-lane speed cameras can monitor up to 6 lanes travelling in both directions at the same time. The M30 has two of these cameras. We reveal where they are, how they work, and what infringements they can detect.

Locations of multi-lane speed cameras on the M-30

  • One of these cameras is on km27 of the outer carriageway heading from east to west. Its precise location is on the Avenida de la Ilustración. This is a replacement of the old device which only monitored one lane and was put out of action in 2018 after an accident.
  • The other multi-lane speed camera is on km16, southbound, at the Ermita del Santo.

How multi-lane speed cameras work on the M-30

Multi-lane speed cameras are able to monitor traffic travelling in both directions, analysing the speed of the vehicles travelling in the opposite direction. Another pertinent feature is that they specifically monitor each vehicle, which means that relevant details such as whether they have passed the Spanish equivalent of the M.O.T test or have valid insurance can be confirmed.

Penalties from multi-lane speed cameras on the M-30

They have been tested for two months since August 2019 to check their performance and efficiency. Any drivers who have committed infringements during this trial period were given notice that from 6th October onwards those offences would now receive real penalties.

Penalties are set by the local police. Therefore, from 6th October all vehicles travelling in excess of 90km/h at these points will receive a maximum fine of €100.

These measures have been taken by Madrid City Council to provide greater coverage to the designated areas. Infringements will be detected quicker and more efficiently.

Paying due attention to these speed cameras isvital in avoiding accidents. It also helps reduce traffic noise, which damages health.

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