Información de Protección de datos
Following the provisions stated in article 10 of Act 34/2002, of 11July 2002, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (hereinafter, “ISSEC”), we state that the website (hereinafter, the “Website”) is the property of EMESA, the M-30 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION COMPANY, S.A. (hereinafter “EMESA” or the “Provider”) , a company duly constituted in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Spain, with registered office at 95 Méndez Álvaro St. in Madrid, holder of Tax Identification Code number A-84434224, and registered with the Companies Register of Madrid, Volume 21682, Page 71, Sheet M -386088 and contact email address:
Access to this Website or usage is completely voluntary and entails unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the “Terms of Use” from the very moment of the access, whether registered or not on the Website, vesting in you the status of user (hereinafter, “User”). The Provider may modify at any time and without prior notice the design, presentation and/or setting of the Website, as well as some of the contents or all of them. These conditions are valid from the date of their last update. The Provider reserves the right to modify them at any time and without notice, in which case they will become effective as of their publication on the Website and will be applicable to all Users from that date. As a result, the Provider recommends that Users who wish to access and use the Website should carefully read the contents of these Terms of Use on every occasion on which the Website is accessed.
The Website has a merely informative and educational purpose about the business activity developed by the Provider. For this purpose, the Provider shall assume no liability arising from possible errors in the information contained in the Website. Likewise, links or hyperlinks to websites of third parties or companies may appear. Once the User leaves the Website to access third party websites through their corresponding links, the Provider shall assume no liability derived from the information originating from external websites.
All intellectual and industrial property rights over the Website are the exclusive property of the Provider and/or of third parties, with whom the Provider has reached agreements. Intellectual property rights on the Website include all content shown on the Website, and design, logos, text, images, trademarks, databases, structure, audio files, software files, colour combinations and other elements, structure, selection and order of its contents, as well as the source code with which it is programmed, all of them protected by copyright under Spanish and international intellectual property legislation.
Any exploitation, distribution, reproduction, transformation, adaptation, translation, assignment, modification, public communication, or any other form of exploitation or distribution of all or part of the content of the Website, in any way and by any means, is expressly prohibited without the previous authorisation in writing of the Provider. If these rights are violated, extrajudicial or judicial civil or criminal procedures may apply. The Provider does not grant any license or authorisation of use of any kind on intellectual and industrial property rights, brands, contents or any other right related to the Website. Any Users or third party that considers that there has been a violation of their legitimate rights by the introduction of certain content on the Website, must notify such circumstance, in writing, to the Provider.
In no case shall the Provider and the Website be liable for losses, damages or harm of any kind arising from accessing and using the Website, including, but not limited to, those produced in the computer systems. The Provider and the Website shall not be responsible for any damages that Users may suffer due to improper use of this Website and, in any way, from crashes, interruptions, absence or defect in telecommunications.
The Provider does not guarantee nor makes itself responsible, in any case or circumstance, for the following facts and contents, nor for any damages that could arise from them:
(a) Lack of availability, continuity, access, maintenance and effective operation of the Website and/or its services and updating, as well as the accuracy, suitability, completeness, relevance, timeliness and reliability of its contents, whatever the cause and the difficulties or technical or other problems in which these events originate. The Provider will act at all times in good faith and will make the best possible efforts to minimise the impact of situations such as those described here. The information contained in the Website may be updated, modified or eliminated without prior notice.
(b) Damages that may arise from the illegal or improper use of this Website. At the same time, the Provider is exempt from any liability for damages that may be caused as a result of access, reproduction, capture and transmission of the contents and services of the website provided by third parties.
(c) Transmission and/or existence of viruses, other elements or harmful programs that could affect the equipment of Users, as a consequence of the access, use or examination of the Website, or that may produce alterations in their electronic documents or files.
(d) Unlawful, negligent, fraudulent use, supplanting the personality of a third party or contrary to the content of this Legal Notice in good faith, generally accepted practices or public order.
(e) Violations or infractions of the laws, uses or customs in force in the matter of intellectual property rights, industrial property, business or contractual secrets, privacy rights, honour, image, property, publicity or competition, among others, of third parties.
((f) Breach by third parties of their obligations or guarantees arising or contracted in relation to the services provided to Users through the Website, as well as the lack of quality, reliability, adequacy to the offered, lawfulness, utility and availability of services provided by third parties and made available to Users on the Website.
The above enumeration is purely expository and is not, in any case, exclusive nor excluding in any of its points.
Through the Website, the Provider may gather personal data. The use of the abovementioned data is set out in the Privacy Policy. Likewise, access to the Website may result in the installation of “Cookies” in accordance with our Cookies Policy.
Any controversy arising from the interpretation or execution of this Legal Notice will be interpreted on the basis of Spanish law. Likewise, for the resolution of any controversy, the parties, having expressly waived any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, expressly submit themselves to the Courts of Madrid, except in the event that the User acts as a user and final consumer, in which case the competent courts will be those corresponding to the domicile of the User in accordance with the applicable regulations regarding the protection of consumers and users.