Tyres and fuel saving, is it true?

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Publicado el 14/08/2018
neumaticos ahorro combustible

It is essential to choose tyres well in order to save fuel, given that they account for 20% of total consumption. For that reason, knowing how to choose your tyres is a matter of energy efficiency. This article discusses the relationship between tyres and fuel saving, offering practical advice.

Choosing proper tyres helps to save petrol

As a rule of thumb, keep in mind that there are several types of tyres and the most important considerations when choosing your tyres are the quality of the materials and the tyre configuration. From there, a good choice will allow you to use less fuel because the right tyre adapts better to the surface or has less rolling resistance. This is key because, depending on those factors, fuel consumption can vary dramatically

For example, class A tyres have little rolling resistance, which turns into maximum efficiency, whereas class G tyres are the least efficient. This simple fact related to the materials can account for a saving of up to 300 Euros worth of fuel during the useful life of the tyre.

Tips to save money when buying tyres

Saving moneywhen buying tyres is partly related to your budget and also to the surface which you drive on. There are a number of tips that can help you buy the tyre that you really need. In many cases, however, despite taking the necessary care of your tyres, the problem may be the tyre itself.

  1. Buy tyres according to the time of year. Although many owners do not, the best approach is to have specific tyres for winter (rain and snow season) and others for summer. Two sets of tyres will fulfil that function. All-Season tyres, although polyvalent, consume more than the average.
  2. Keep an eye on the sales because you can often get a full set of tyres at a good price. Of course, always inspect the front label to check their quality because the concepts of rolling resistance, noise or braking distance with rain are essential when selecting tyres.
  3. Under no circumstances should you buy second hand tyres, which is also a safety issue. A used tyre in apparently good condition may well have numerous imperfections that may prove fatal while driving.
  4. It is necessary to check the tyre’s approval so that there is no problem with its expiration or approval by the European Union. Sometimes, bargains require reading the small print.
  5. There is the possibility of buying eco-friendly tyres, although this is interesting only for those who intend to use them until the end of their useful life. Fuel will be saved in the long-term.

Care to keep the tyres in good condition

In addition to the money spent on the tyre and which model is finally chosen, there are some practical tips to keep your tyres in good condition and extend their useful life:

  1. Do not mix different brands or models. Although small, there are differences after all. They will have an effect on the axle balance when driving and, consequently, fuel savings may be lower.
  2. Check the tyre pressure at least once a month. Keep in mind that a very low pressure will increase fuel consumption due to excessive adhesion to the roadbed, besides being dangerous. On the other hand, overinflated tyres provide a bumpier ride, which will also compromise driving safety.
  3. Rotate the tyres to achieve uniform wear, since it is possible that unnoticed pressure differences may influence driving. It is advisable to check this every 6 months or 10,000 kilometres. This way you can avoid the disproportionate wear on the tyre and the subsequent extra expense on fuel.

The driving style is fundamental. An aggressive driving style, such as burning tyres by stressing the grip to its maximum when taking curves, will translate into tyre wear and a higher consumption of fuel. In the same way, you will have to adapt your driving style on a bumpy surface.


It is possible to save fuel by choosing the appropriate tyres, but this may not be as easy as it seems. In addition, once a decision is made, there is some maintenance to do in order to keep them in perfect condition.

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